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Monday, June 12, 2017


EL JUGADOR MEJOR PAGO DEL MUNDO ENGENDRO GEMELOS EN UN VIENTRE DE ALQUILER ,CR7,etologia,verde,eco,medio,ambiente,colapso,EL FEMINISMO FABRICA HOMOSEXUALES. EL MACHISMO ES MALO,EL FEMINISMO OPTIMO. EJEMPLO ELIMINO EL PIROPO DE TODO TIPO INCLUSO EL ELOGIO RESPETUOSO EN LA CALLE. AHORA CIERRA LAS PIERNAS EN SUBTE Y BUSES NO SOLO DE LOS EXCESIVOS SINO DE TODOS, PRONTO HABRA QUE CAMINAR DE PIERNAS APRETADAS, PERO SU ACCION PREFERIDA ES EL AREA EDUCATIVA ESCOLAR. no quizo la campaña haste oir...el bus pintado... SIN EMBARGO DEBERIA SABER QUE EL HOMBRE PREFIERE ETOLOGICAMENTE REUNIRSE CON HOMBRES, Y SUS OIDOS RECHAZAN LAS VOCES MUY CHILLONAS. mto leon legazcue----------------------------MIENTRAS EL MEJOR JUGADOR HISTORICO SEMBRO 5,O 6,HIJOS ,EN TRES MUJERES,POR METODO NATURAL,SIN PRESERVATIVOS ...DM 10 .............. EL JUGADOR MEJOR PAGO DEL MUNDO ENGENDRO GEMELOS EN UN VIENTRE DE ALQUILER ,CR7 leon legazcue.---------------..... verde,eco,medio,ambiente,colapso ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump sugiere que el muro sea hecho con paneles solares El presidente de EU se reunió con congresistas y dejó ver que se decidirá por las propuestas para una barda que incluya estos dispositivos. EXPANSION.MX Tango Uruguay Rioplatense Sur 5 Tú y 4 personas más Me gusta Me gusta Me encanta Me divierte Me asombra Me entristece Me enfada ComentarCompartir muro-sea-hecho-con-paneles-solares Cultura Colectiva EL CELULAR ,LOS PECES, · DORMIR CON UN CELULAR..¿Qué es la fobia sexual masculina?- ecology---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ¿Qué es la fobia sexual masculina?- masculina ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------. No sólo afectará tu ciclo de sueño, el dormir con tu celular puede traer repercusiones a largo plazo como depresión y obesidad.----------------PERSONAJES ARGENTINOS SOMOS,SEGUN NOTICIAS Diego Torres: “Buscar un gris es ser evolucionado, no tibio” Aldo Graziani: “La meditación no era igual si comía carne” Andrea Politti: “La verdad de uno no le interesa a nadie” ARGENTINOS SOMOS,SEGUN NOTICIAS................VER....................... de la Rosa @dragon_mecanico Ya que requerimos una temperatura testicular inferior a la del resto del cuerpo para poder tener una correcta formación de espermatozoides. 10:31 - 8 Jun 2017 157 157 Retweets 363 363 me gusta Twitter Ads info and privacy Seguir Rafa de la Rosa @dragon_mecanico Voy a empezar diciendo que esto es verdad, pero que abrir las piernas no ayuda en nada. Sobre todo si llevas calzoncillos y pantalones. 10:32 - 8 Jun 2017 201 201 Retweets 523 523 me gusta Twitter Ads info and privacy ------------- Es cierto que el aparato reproductor masculino, a diferencia del femenino, está fuera del cuerpo por una razón fisiológica y evolutiva. Necesita una temperatura menor que la del cuerpo. La ideal para la producción y conservación de los espermatozoides se sitúa entre 35,5 y 36 grados, por encima de la cual "se puede alterar el control de calidad en el epitelio de los túbulos seminíferos del testículo". Seguir---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------Stop ISLAM @ISIS_STOP Manuela Carmena hiperventilando en el metro. Despotorrada. Dando ejemplo. ¡Ahí! #manspreading @alonso_dm Rafa de la Rosa @dragon_mecanico 02:29 - 8 Jun 2017-----------------------by twitter--------------------- - despotorrada,machismo,buses,subte,despotorrada,machismo,b uses,subte ,despatarre-MANSPREADING-------------------LOS DELIVERY DE ALIMENTOS PUEDEN ESTAR CONTAMINADOS ,MAS SEGUROS SON LOS PAQUETES ENVASADOS. POR EJ LA SALMONELA HA VENIDO EN TORTILLAS SEMI CRUDAS O MILANESAS DE QUESO. TAMBIEN ROMPER LA CADENA DE FRIO ES MALO. EL ENVASADO TIENE MAS CONTROL. leon legazcue------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- escritor mexicano Carlos Fuentes: “A medida que se agiganta el foso entre el desarrollo geométrico y tecnocrático del mundo y el desarrollo aritmético de nuestras sociedades ancilares, Latinoamérica se convierte en un mundo prescindible para el imperialismo. Tradicionalmente hemos sido países explotados; pronto ni esto seremos: no será necesario explotarnos porque la tecnología habrá podido —en gran medida lo puede ya— sustituir industrialmente nuestros ofrecimientos monoproductivos. ¿Seremos, entonces, un vasto continente de mendigos? ¿Será la nuestra una mano tendida en espera de los mendrugos de la caridad norteamericana, europea y soviética? ¿Seremos la India del hemisferio occidental?”.-----------DEVOLUCION DE PESCADOS ----------------------------------------------------SI PESCAS UN PEZ AGRADECE A DIOS Y SI ES CHICO Y NO LO COMERAS DEVOLVELO AL AGUA ENSEGUIDA- feliz semana santa leon legazcue.------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------CLIKEA EL CIRCULO Y VERAS LOS AMIGOS VER EN LO OSCURO TODOS. AHORRAR todos LUZ CON OJOS OPERADOS,ESPECIALES. DISFRUTAR DE MORIR EN CADA FOTO. AMO MORIR EN LA FOTO leon legazcue.............Uruguay.----inmigrantes ,refugiados.exiliados y emigrantes-voto exterior elecciones -------------------------------------------------------------------- Orlando Vicente..... es ciudadano legal uruguayo ,puede acceder a todos los beneficios como los naturales,educacion gratuita universitaria,salud publica universal,remedios,ambulancias a domicilio,pensiones,seguridad publica,empleos y cargos publicos,salvo en el de presidente de la nacion. Uruguay es un pais moderno ,de democracia avanzada,inclusivo,no discrimina ni por color de piel,ni por sexo,ni por clase social,tiene poquisimo analfabetismo funcional.Hay ropa y comida accesible. Los 3 millones de turistas superan a los 3 millones de residentes y lo consideran casi como un paraiso humano. Bienvenido. ....................................................................................... PARADOJA LOS RESIDENTES NO QUIEREN VOTAR Y LOS EMIGRANTES SI. -#URUGUAY. ---- LA ENCUESTA OPCION DA QUE LA CUARTA PARTE DE LOS RESIDENTES HOY NO SABEN A QUIEN VOTAR Y ALGUNOS ANULARIAN. SABEN LO QUE NO QUIEREN PERO NO QUIEN LO HARIA. EN CAMBIO LOS EXILIADOS,QUE NO CONOCEN NOTICIAS EMOCIONALES DE BOCA A BOCA,QUE NO VAN A SUPERMERCADOS NI CALLES NOCTURNAS ,QUE NO PAGAN CASI NINGUN IMPUESTO,O NINGUNO, QUE RECUERDAN EL VIEJO PAISITO COMO MITOLOGIA ,QUE NO SABEN EN QUE HA MEJORADO Y EN QUE HA DESMEJORADO,QUE CONFUNDEN APELLIDOS CON PERSONAS,QUIEREN VOTAR...COMO UN 70 POR CIENTO. ESTE ES UN PAIS CHIQUITITO...CIEN MIL VOTOS DEFINIRIAN UN PAIS EN EL QUE NO VAN A VIVIR Y QUE SUS HIJOS SOLO CONOCEN CON UNA SONRISA. leon legazcue,.........Books › Biographies & Memoirs ›A BRAVE WOMAN AND THE DECADE OF THE 70 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- -URUGUAY A BRAVE URUGUAYAIN IN CUBA When I came back to Uruguay after a eventful holiday in Cuba, I met at the airport with a drama that was their sociopolitical overtones and human. I approached the front row to hear the dialogue. A woman of about forty, still beautiful and well dressed, was in the area to check in with hundreds of passengers and had formed a chorus around her. She was of low lengnt, stylish hairstyle and makeup complexion well but had a stunning voice almost shotting_ officials dressed in blue guarding the air terminal. Mrs. started with a conciliatory tone and all listened to, most of the passengers were Cubans expecting different flights especially Spain and Uruguay.The issue was that the husband had got ill of waiting the flight and his blood pressure had risen to dangerous levels and airport authorities taken him to an area where the wife could not access. ___ I have to see my husband. See him with my own eyes. __ Mrs. It is not allowed to enter the room where it is. It's restricted area. Do you have the blood pressure medication, if so not easy for a moment? __ Well I do not I'll give medicine until I see my husband. __ But understand. You can not pass .__ How I can not go? Is this a military fortress ?. Do me the check in the passport and bags and let me go if you do not want to be arme a scandal in front of everyone. __ It can not. They are orders that come from above. Inviolate. Mrs. raised his voice and stood firm. And they surrounded a group of civil servants and policemen from the airport .__ Give me the medicine, please your husband is wrong .__ For if this evil with more reason I should pass but if there is a doctor there will antihypertensive medications or misery in which this people also extends to airports. The officials looked at each other but the lady was unstoppable __ I live in a democratic country and I can speak without fear what pleases. If I can call the ambassador and even the President of the Republic. It is my right. I'm not like you who have to get the language by the ortho A official woman asked the next the word meant. He had already a crowd of people around the lady. Everyone listened but no one dared to open his mouth. A young girl dressed in jinetera intervened: __ I am a revolutionary but I have Spanish citizenship but the fact that this flight has been delayed enough. Others say yes with his head but none opened his mouth. It was typical subjected to blackmail the Communist regime into exile: Do not speak ill of the Revolution to be let in and that this was graved in the minds of most exiles. The lady stood at her firm, would not give the medicine. __Lady. Do you want to travel today?y__ a cop senior said. But that does not ashemed the Uruguayan. __ Of course. With all international rights. You believe it's the first time I travel around the world. They are my rights and be with my husband. If guilt is complicated and I'll sue you for it. The guards conferred among themselves. __ If you do nothing it is that they are a pile of shit. So I'm telling you. Pile of shit, but medicine alone will give it to my husband who does not have an attendance of one of the medical world power. Everything is a lie. Pure propaganda. And they were like a thousand people gathered around the lady and her strong and robust voice reached every corner with the silence. Finally the senior police speak with officials and ordered the Uruguayan to pass the room where her husband was and all of us who traveled to Uruguay follow her as automatons for that brave woman who had told him four truths to the authorities and we with our silence we were victims still living far away, with our silence, of the atrocities of Castrism. Posted by Arco Orlo at 7:54 AM No comments: Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest Labels: #authorities of cuba, #brave uruguayan, #cuban exile, #habana Cuba, #scandal------- 20uruguayan ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ...........------------ 23guantanamo%20mom%20amouR .................................. GUANTANAMO MOM AMOUR As in the old Alain Resnair movie can no longer say Guantanamo mon amour and less living a romance under the rubble of a war. If it looks like a city after a bombing, only the center of Marti Park remosado as an image in Technicolor for tourists who spend long in their micro refrigerated is pleasing to the eye. For my house passes a crier selling ice cream in that terrible summer or offering mangos and dry off season. Everyone can live as sought. The salary is not enough and must look for extra money to buy food and clothing. I do not understand the obsession of guantanamerian _ or will of all the cuban people_ by flattery. The empty stomach is not seen but a good cowboy brand is displayed with ostentation. Mind of underdevelopment. I see the Shell of the Marti park smaller as I saw before and the parish of Saint Catalina seems a simple chapel lost in the distance of the field. The source of the Avenue and Ahogados where I used to sit and take in the fresh, sporting a spectacular architectural monument that all deformed. Who would think such a landmark sculpture. Huambo the movies have had to put a Roman arches for coupling to the environment. It occupies the space where once was the Luke cinema, an ice cream shop and a space where exhibitions exemplary cattles take place. It was made in all that space one movie, small, austere in style Giron or Breztniana construcion that prevailed in those days. The worst thing is to have a picture of the past without seeing that everything changes but change for the worse. The city has become a jumble of small plate houses of two floors. All the same. The landscape does not change throughout giving sight. No, I can not say "mom amour Hiroshima" has not yet been bombed but people walk through the streets as if it were. Posted by Arco Orlo at 8:07 AM 2 comments: Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest Labels: #cuba, #guantanamo, #guantanamo mom amour, #hiroshima mon amour, #Marti park, #Movie, #old monuments, #Saint Catalina 23brave%20uruguayan -------------------------ME SIENTO MUY ORGULLOSO DE MI AMIGO EL ESCRITOR CUBANO- URUGUAYO ORLANDO VICENTE. DESPUES DE UN LARGUISIMO ESTADO DE COMA SALE VIVO Y SE RECUPERA -GRACIAS AL PADRE DIOS- Y ESCRIBE DOS NOVELAS Y MEDIA EN SOLO UN AÑO. ME ENSEÑA QUE NO HAY QUE TENER MIEDO Y QUE HAY QUE SEGUIR CREANDO. leon legazcue,escritor hispano-uruguayo,el vasco. ..............................................................NR ORLANDO VICENTE NACIO EN GUANTANAMO EL DIEZ DE FEBRERO DE MIL NOVECIENTOS CINCUENTA Y SIETE.RESIDIO EN CUBA,NICARAGUA Y RESIDE EL REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DEL URUGUAY .--------------- ...................................................................---------------------------- ---------------------..........--porque Dios te dio una segunda oportunidad de vivir despues que moriste,amigo=?---Amigo ,despues de los infartos estuviste muerto tanto tiempo,tan desesperadamente muerto y ausente,vos,mi mejor amigo y un dia resucitaste-Me pregunto sin parar el secreto que tienes,por que Dios permitio que despertaras y volvieras,para nuestra alegria y esperanza,amigo,y hoy en esta pascua,pesaj de nisan 14,me conmueve y conmina por una respuesta al milagro que existe -AMILCAR JESUS LEGAZCUE DE LEON IZA --..-------------- ------------------------------------------#CUBANO HISTORIA EN AÑOS 60 Y 70 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ,,,clikea aqui LA DECADA DEL 70 EN CUBA THE DECADE OF THE 70 Visit our AHH ... THE DECADE OF THE 70 ,music,disco,tribes,cloth,dresses,hair,dance,american,cultura -AHH ... THE DECADE OF THE 70 Visit our AHH ... THE DECADE OF THE 70 ,music,disco,tribes,cloth,dresses,hair,dance,american,cultura ladecada-de-los-70-en-guantanamo.html Memoirs Memorias de un niño guantanamero: Guantanamero , Cuba (Spanish Edition) (Spanish) by orlando vicente alvarez (Author, Narrator), guantanamero-Guantanamero- Spanish/dp/1520725884/ref=sr_1_2? s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1490006893&sr=1-2 ---------------------------------------------------Books › Politics & Social Sciences › Politics & Government CHINANDEGA: SECRETOS DE LOS MEDICOS CUBANOS EN NICARAGUA: Chinandega (Spanish Edition) (Spanish) by Orlando Vicente Alvarez (Author)........................................................................................ ................................................................................................. A WORLD ONLY FOR 3 DOLLARS see Https://